our products
cuore gives you the information you want about your home, garden, lab, bussiness, etc.
We can customize your cuore to measure anything from room temperature to unwanted open doors and respond by sending alerts to your phone, sounding an alarm, turning something off, etc. Also you can connect multiple cuores wirelessly, allowing you to create complex systems to meet your needs.
- 5 expansion ports to add a wide array of sensors and actuators
- Multiple cuores can be wirelessly connected to work together
- Internal battery provides up to 20 days of power
- Easy installation and configuration
- Controllable from any mobile devices with the buildware app
CPU: 32-bit powered microcontroller with wi-fi and bluetooth.
Network: Optional LoraWan and GPRS/3G/LTE-M/NB-IoT capable modems
Sensors: Wide array of sensors and actuators, like air temperature and humidity, rain, wind, soil, gases, step motors, lights, screens, etc.
Conectivity: An unlimitted number of cuores can be grouped together to share tasks. Every task can be created easily from buildware´s mobile app
Mobile App: An easy and intuitive APP shows all data collected and allows to create customized tasks, notifications and alarms.
Power requirements
Power: 12v 1A
Internal battery: 3,7V 3800mA li-ion battery – 20 days without external power
Size: 113mm x 87mm x 34mm / 4,45″ x 3,5″ x 1,35″
Weight: 0,6 kg / 1,32 lbs